Day 1 Solutions
Day 1 Solutions

Improve Outcomes With Data Driven Student Engagement,
Starting Day One!

We're in Development!

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Student Engagement, Starting Day One!

Leveraging Big Data

We use machine learning technology and advanced algorithms...

To Analyze

What your students are posting publicly about in social media...

Offer Likely Options

Of interest by matching to school resources like clubs, groups, events and academic paths..

To Engage

And excite your students with an amazing college experience.

And Identify "At Risk"

Students with our AI Engine to Give them the Hand they may Need

To Improve Student Outcomes

And Student Retention with Data Driven Student Engagement Starting Day One!

Interested in Learning More?

We are looking to partner with schools who want to leverage advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), engage via social media and offer an amazing student experience.

Day One Solutions, Inc.

43 Paoli Plaza
Suite 139
Paoli, PA 19301

(484) 588-5000